While building from scratch my environment, installing the WLS for testing purpose I have faced the following FE (Fatal Error, I call it fatality):
The fatality is clear text, during extraction there is no more space left; But where???
To find out on linux, just open an terminal and run the df command.
On my bellow screenshot, my /tmp directory is almost full.
- As you can see my /tmp is 2G and is 79% full. There is not enough space for a WLS installation which takes a lot tmp space... I believe is about 1.2G of space, and setting a small 2G tmp like I did is a bad business.
- But why did I not have such issue using Debian distro? Well, a friend with more RH experience answered me: "Fedora does not clean tmp directory!!!" (Vaaapaaa, in your face response...)
- Well, after watching over the tmp I came with a possible theory. OS are not responsible for cleaning up tmp, but the programs that use this directory is, and Debians distro just want to be nice with us.
I have listed a few commands that might be useful for this type of situation:
1. From the ehow blog I found the following commands in which needs to be run as root:
a. finds and delete any file older than 10 days:
#find /tmp -mtime +10 |xargs rm -f
b. Delete all empty directory from tmp:
#find /tmp -type d | xargs rmdir
*you can modify this commands to delete needed files, but this is a bad thing because some running programs might be using files from tmp directory; So be advise to be careful with what you delete.
2. This is more elegant solution in which there no risk. If you have notice I am running a java command, therefore we will use a java solution for this issue without having to delete any files from tmp directory.
a. create a tmp directory at your home user directory:
$mkdir tmp
b. run the WLS jar installer with the followind java flag:
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/"yourUser"/tmp -jar wls1035_generic.jar
Either solution will work but I would rather use the second one; The screen shot taken bellow was when testing the commands from ehow blog.
ref: How to Clear TMP in Fedora