

Putty X11 and Tunnel config

While executing a remote host connection with SSH, and starting the whole Oracle's Middle-ware environment, eventually I need to double check if the administration server, and the deployed applications are accessible from the respective IP address. The following scenario describe better the obstacles to finish my task: 

1. Due to some VPN configuration, I have to use Windows, which in my case the Win. OS is running on a virtual machine. 
2. I only have the SSH protocol ( port 22 ). 
3. As explained above, I had to login into the WLS's Admin's Console, to finish configuration and run a simple check on the Managed Servers' deploy Apps to check the IP access. 

1. Download and install Putty, its a nice little software that enables Windows users to connect into a remote Unix like OS through the SSH protocol. 

2. Search and start putty from your Windows menu search: 

3. Next you need to provide the IP and by default SSL goes to port 22, but if the Unix Administrator had opened the SSH in another port, you could configure the connection to the provided port.

 4. The go to connection/SSH/X11, and select the 'Enable X11 forwarding'. This will enable the X11 port forwarding in case of exporting GUI into local machine. Also you need on Windows the Xming installed and running. 

5. Then go to  the connection/SSH/Tunnels and do the following action: 

  1. Add a local port to access, 7001; 
  2. Provide the remote Destination IP. Be careful with this configuration, Because you could be using the SSH connection to connect to another remote machine so you need to make sure the you provide the same IP as the connected SSH session;
  3. Provide the port in which the service is running on the provided IP;  

6. That's it, now you can access the Admin's Console on you localhost at http://localhost:7001/console and any application deployed on the managed server at http://localhost:15101/appName;


ODI 12c install Bug: Cyclic dependency detected among featureset libraries oracle.odi.sdk.clientLib.jar

I am currently installing WLS 12.2.1 Enterprise with multiple products on multiple environments; During the installation on ODI over FMW  Infrastructure, and I faced the following Exception printed out on the installation log located at the tmp directory:

Caused by: oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbEndIterateException: Cyclic dependency detected among featureset libraries: [/u01/oracle/products/fmw/modules/clients/oracle.odi.sdk.clientLib.jar]

What I know about the problem:

  1. The issue happen only during the ODI 12c install, and any other product such as SOA and OSB the installation was successfully. By investigating I heard that a college could run the installation without a problem; 
  2. I looked into the Oracle Support and found that is a bug on description phase, which means it would take a long time for a final solution: Bug 22262514 : ERROR WHEN INSTALLING ODI 12.2.1 ON HP UX 11.31; 
  3. The ODI installation is the only installation with the double jars to install: 
  4. The Oracles documentation provided me with the following step to install the ODI: 
  •  /home/Oracle/jdk1.8.0_60/bin/java -jar fmw_12.

What I was doing:

Since I had to install the application on silent mode, I had something similar to the script bellow:

export JAVA_HOME=/home/Oracle/jdk1.8.0_60 
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH 
java -version 
java -d64 -Xms4g -Xmx4g -jar fmw_12. -silent etc...

As you can see, the steps were done correctly and running similar scripts worked on the SOA and OSB installation; After some long hours looking and trying to install a successful ODI install, I remember something about how the JVM actually loads classes. By following the instruction from Oracle in providing a full path of the JDK, the JVM seems to load the second fmw_12., therefore the issue was on my script and how I am calling the fmw_12.; By setting the global PATH variable, I was not allowing the java command to load all needed classes and jars. 

Therefore the solution is simple, was just changing how I was calling the java command or use the -cp to set the classpath: 

java -d64 -Xms4g -Xmx4g -cp /fmw_12. -jar /fmw_12. -silent etc...

If you do the above command and still get an error like bellow, its a good change the you had an failed installation on the FMW Infrastructure previously and you need to delete and reinstall the whole environment again. 

oracle.sysman.nextgen.NextGenInstallerException: oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbEndIterateException: Errors were found during
POM generation. Please check the logs for more informatio